Bad Habits I’d Like to Reverse

Just like any other human being, I too have loads of bad habits that I definitely and badly want to rectify. I like to say that I’m disciplined and that I can do anything that I put my mind into but when it comes to things that I like to do for myself like correcting bad habits, I am actually so bad at that.

So here are some of my bad habits that I would want to break:

1. Eating even when not hungry. I am the type of person who loves to eat anything (I’m not a picky eater) and everything (because I don’t like having any leftovers, it’s such a waste) but I do too tend to overdo it most often than not. I like having a huge meal and have a cup of tea or coffee at least 5 minutes afterwards. After 2 hours, I start to look for food again even though how much I try to avoid the temptation, I still easily give in most of the time despite me being not hungry at all. It could also be the reason why I always feel bloated. I’d like to the do small but frequent feedings again which I think is ideal.

2. Spending too much time watching tv or surfing the internet. I cannot turn off the tv as long as there’s a show that I like watching. Believe me, I can be in front of the tv, watching all day. I’ve done that for way too long. If I couldn’t get hold of the remote, then I’ll turn to my laptop which is more dangerous because you can spend more time in there. I like binge watching my favorite shows and when I say binge watch I mean at least 12 episodes a day.

3. Staying up late or not sleeping at all. And what have I been doing? Both stuff above. My sleeping pattern is so disturbed that I am really struggling with my sleep. I usually sleep at around 8 or 9 in the morning, wake up at around 5 in the afternoon and repeat. Having a wrecked sleeping pattern led to not eating on time, eating more than the usual during the night, hormones on whack which explains my breakouts and of course, not having a quality sleep.

4. Being negative minded which is super unhealthy. Being negative attracts all of the negative things which cause me to have a huge deal of stress and anxiety.

5. Having my hand on my face. I know I shouldn’t but I just unconsciously do it, giving me more breakouts. How frustrating!

6. Procrastinating. I am the queen of this thing. Seriously. I put off even the simple stuff for as long as I can even though the perfectionist in me is screaming to just do it, I still don’t.

7. Loving sugar and chocolates too much. I am addicted to them. I may have the biggest sweet tooth in the world. I always crave sweet and chocolaty foods. Another reason for my breakouts, my skin flare up when I consume too much of them.

8. Breaking promises to myself. Breaking promises is bad in general and I feel guiltier when I break a promise I made to myself. All of those resolutions and promises I made for the better of me, nothing ever really happened.

9. Being too sentimental to things. I like holding on to things especially if it was gifted to me or basically anything that can make me remember a certain memorable events. I’m not a hoarder that’s why I need to correct this because if not, I may become one.

10. Always conscious/worried of what other people think. I want to know or learn how to ignore them.

How about you, what are the bad habits that you’d like to break? ^^

10 thoughts on “Bad Habits I’d Like to Reverse

  1. This is an interesting list! Maybe one of these good days I’d post something similar.
    Anyway, am curious to as why being overly sentimental to something can become an issue? Can you elaborate? =D
    Spending too much time watching tv or surfing the internet. Guilty of this, as well. I want to go OUT THERE, experience more of life, instead.
    Having my hand on my face. I bite my nails such that they sometimes get very raw. I know. very very bad.

    All in all, great post!


    1. Being overly sentimental to things is an issue for me because I tend to hoard them and have a really hard time letting it go. Seriously. I have been trying to clear out some of my stuff that I don’t really need but I just cant throw them out. I still have stuff from when I was like 12. Spending too much time watching tv and surfing the net are habits that are too hard to break. I have gone through a phase when I bite my nails too especially when I get nervous but good thing I am way past that.

      Aww, I’ll watch out for that post then as I’m really curious as what other people’s habits are. 😆


  2. I have been trying to clear out some of my stuff that I don’t really need but I just cant throw them out. I still have stuff from when I was like 12., That’s amazing. I used to be like that. And then this phase of purging came and then off I went throwing everything out.

    I like binge watching my favorite shows and when I say binge watch I mean at least 12 episodes a day. When this series, “Felicity” came on, I was addicted to it. And then now it’s Bill’s Food and The Delicious Ms Dahl (He’s Australian and She’s British. Cooking shows, yes. Ahahahahaha.). I hate anything with Gordon Ramsay on it, however. Haha.

    My sleeping pattern is so disturbed that I am really struggling with my sleep. Oist. Ingat dito. Cause of many stress-related lifestyle diseases.


  3. I hope I can easily throw stuff too. I tried to declutter my closet and all of my stuff but there are still lots of stuff that I couldn’t throw out which I don’t really need.

    I love watching cooking shows too, makes me always hungry and drooling for food. I agree with the thing about Gordon Ramsay haha I’d rather watch Andrew Zimmerm eat lots of weird and exotic stuff than him.

    One of the reasons why I am in constant stress resulting to binge eating and other things. Totally aware of that.


  4. Seriously. I have been trying to clear out some of my stuff that I don’t really need but I just cant throw them out. These are from manliligaws, no? Ahahahahaa.

    Sa akin kasi, I happened on an ex who was totally fine already. It killed me nung sinabi niyang tinapon na lang niya lahat, simply, in one go. So I had a shrine. I saved all our bus plane train museum tickets stuffed animals clothes na naiwan niya books CDs training materials etc etc. Even old uniforms.

    Had a meltdown one day and poof! it became KokoCrunch! Siyempre Morisette was playing in the background, ano. I remember it had been “Akin Ka na Lang”. Hahahahaha. Kill me now.

    What I hate most about this Ramsay fellow is his arrogance, and inconsistency. He’s ballistic one day over raw egg touching an ingredient far too early in the prep process, when later he’d make mayo and is totally careless about it. Another day it was dressing that called for raw egg yolks and boom! la naman paki. What gives??? Bastard.

    I love watching cooking shows too, makes me always hungry and drooling for food. AHA! A fellow foodie. Yeeey. This just made my day, today. Hehehe.


    1. Hindi uso sakin ang mga manliligaw no. 😆 Some of the stuff were given to me as gifts and some were just stuff that I have had a good memory with. It just taking too much space, but I plan that before the holy week is over it’ll all be gone.

      Eh yun kasi ata ang trademark character nya eh kaya that’s what he tries to embody. 😌

      Ay talaga? It’s the first time someone told me I made their day. Of course, who doesn’t like food? ☺️


  5. Of course, who doesn’t like food? You’d be surprised at the number of people I see who view food as just a means for survival, not really that respectful of the work that goes behind creating it. And a number who’s actually averse to eating, in the name of vanity.

    Hindi uso sakin ang mga manliligaw no. Hahahahahahaha. Forgive me. I was just being evil.


  6. You will definitely love having this list for you to look back on and see how far you’ve come. The first step to change anything is to accept it and acknowledge it. We have so many of the same things…. Feels like I made the list haha
    Right now I’m working on deciding to go back to school. It’s been difficult to motivate myself because I’m afraid to fail.


    1. Exactly, that’s actually a reason why I like writing things like that, so I could read back to them and see my progress. 😃 I think the things I’ve listed are the common ones so a lot can relate. Who aren’t afraid of failing? Aww, I’d love to go back to school too.


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